Blog Archive

Welcome to our blog post archive, where you will find a collection of helpful content and advice on how to care for your tortoise.

how to tell if a tortoise is male or female

Determining the Sex of Your Tortoise: A Practical Guide

Understanding how to tell if a tortoise is male or female is important for a variety of reasons.  In breeding programs, sex determination ensures the formation of suitable pairs. Regarding health management, knowing the sex is needed for diagnosing and […]

How Much Does a Tortoise Weigh

How Much Does a Tortoise Weigh? A Comprehensive Guide

When discussing the size of different tortoises, most people refer to straight-line shell length. This makes sense, as a tortoise’s length is generally the metric by which enclosure size is determined. It’s also easy for many people to estimate length.  

when do tortoises hibernate

When Do Tortoises Hibernate

There are a variety of tortoise husbandry tasks that you can schedule whenever you like. For example, you should replace your tortoise’s full spectrum lights every six months or so, but it doesn’t matter what month of the year you

tortoise safe plants
Diet & Nutrition

A to Z Guide of Tortoise Safe Plants

Live plants are a vital part of any tortoise’s natural habitat. The more you can replicate that natural habitat in your own enclosures, the better your tortoise’s quality of life is likely to be! You don’t need a green thumb

tortoise eye infection

Causes of Tortoise Eye Infections and How to Prevent It

Tortoises are very prone to conjunctivitis, or the swelling of the eyelids. Many cases of conjunctivitis are caused by bacterial infections and need prompt diagnosis and treatment to get better. In this article, I cover the most common tortoise eye

tortoise enrichment

Tortoise Enrichment Activities and Supplies

As much as we love them, tortoises aren’t exactly brimming with energy. But that doesn’t mean a tortoise’s life should be boring! There are many activities and supplies you can use to enrich your tortoise’s day-to-day routine. The right enrichment

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