Blog Archive

Welcome to our blog post archive, where you will find a collection of helpful content and advice on how to care for your tortoise.

russian tortoise size
Buying Guides

Russian Tortoise Size Guide by Age and Growth Rate

The Russian tortoise, or Horsfield’s tortoise, is one of the most popular species in the pet world. Russian tortoises are known for being active, friendly (at least for a reptile!), and highly adaptable to domestic life. Many tortoise enthusiasts opt […]

giant tortoise pet
Buying Guides

Can You Keep a Giant Tortoise as a Pet?

Slow-moving and unbothered by the world around them, giant tortoises are undeniably charming. I have my own childhood memories of the giant tortoise living at my local pet store—a creature that is probably still alive today. Social media has allowed

Red-Foot Tortoise Care Guide
Care Guide

Red-Foot Tortoise Care Guide

The Red-footed tortoise is known for their relatively sociable nature and striking coloration, making them a popular choice among tortoise keepers. Their scientific name ‘Chelonoidis ‘carbonarius’’ is a reference to their black skin and red patches that resemble glowing coals.

russian tortoise diet and food list
Diet & Nutrition

Ultimate Russian Tortoise Diet and Food List

In their natural habitat Russian tortoises are opportunistic feeders, battling against rocky terrain and the harsh, arid landscapes. This feast or famine and constant foraging way of life means that in captivity, their food intake and enrichment activities must be

best pet tortoise for beginners
Buying Guides

6 Best Pet Tortoise Breeds for Beginners

It’s sometimes easy to forget that a tortoise is an exotic pet. You may not need to walk a tortoise every day or change its litter box, but you’re still committing to daily care for, hopefully, many, many years to

what can tortoises eat: food list

Ultimate Food List and Guide to Tortoises Diet

Tortoises naturally inhabit many regions across the World from the Sahara Desert region of Africa, the rainforests and deserts of Asia, the Mediterranean region of Europe, as well as desert regions in North America and the Amazon Basin in South

tortoise frequently asked tortoise questions

Tortoise FAQs Health and Anatomy

Welcome my comprehensive guide that covers tortoise FAQs related to their health and anatomy. I have designed it to help tortoise enthusiasts better understand and care for their shelled companions.  In the article, you’ll find detailed insights into common health

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