Tortoise Names: 359 of the Coolest, Cutest, and Funniest Names

Have you recently added a new tortoise to your family? 


But now, your little pet needs a name. To help you with this very important aspect of pet ownership, I’ve come up with a list of some of the best tortoise names to help with your decision making. Hopefully, you’ll find the perfect name for your cute little chelonian on the list!

67 Great Male Tortoise Names

Got a bouncing baby boy tortoise in need of a name? Check out these ideas:

  1. Abbott
  2. Alfie 
  3. Angus
  4. Archie 
  5. Atlas
  6. Augustus
  7. Bandit
  8. Bartholomew
  9. Bear
  10. Beauregard
  11. Benedict
  12. Bruno
  13. Buddy
  14. Charlie
  15. Chesterfield
  16. Cooper
  17. Cornelius
  18. Davenport
  19. Duke
  20. Ellington
  21. Fabian
  22. Fitzgerald
  23. Frankie
  24. Gatsby
  25. George
  26. Gizmo
  27. Hawthorne
  28. Henry
  29. Leo
  30. Louie
  31. Mac
  32. Major
  33. Marlo
  34. Maverick
  35. Max
  36. Milo
  37. Montgomery
  38. Nash
  39. Nemo
  40. Nico
  41. Oden
  42. Oliver 
  43. Ollie
  44. Oscar 
  45. Pablo
  46. Parker
  47. Percival
  48. Pongo 
  49. Quaker
  50. Quatro
  51. Quest
  52. Reginald
  53. Remington
  54. Rocket
  55. Rocky
  56. Teddy
  57. Uno
  58. Upton
  59. Valor
  60. Vinnie
  61. Wallace
  62. Wellington
  63. Wilson 
  64. Xirus
  65. Xylo
  66. Yang
  67. Yeller

67 Great Female Tortoise Names

Female Tortoise Names

Add a little girl tortoise to your family? Consider some of these names for your little lady:

  1. Alta
  2. Angelica 
  3. Aspen
  4. Astra
  5. Bessie
  6. Betsy
  7. Bitsy
  8. Blossom
  9. Bobbie
  10. Brandi 
  11. Bunny
  12. Camilla
  13. Cece
  14. Charlotte
  15. Delilah
  16. Dixie
  17. Dottie
  18. East
  19. Eden
  20. Emiko
  21. Faye
  22. Fifi
  23. Freckles
  24. Gaia
  25. Gemma
  26. Georgia
  27. Golden
  28. Hattie
  29. Heidi
  30. Hope
  31. Ivory
  32. Jet
  33. Josie
  34. Jovie
  35. Kaia
  36. Kiki
  37. Koko
  38. Laika
  39. Lucky
  40. Lulu
  41. Mabel
  42. Madeline 
  43. Maisy
  44. Mimi
  45. Moxie
  46. Noelle
  47. Novi
  48. Ocean
  49. Olivia
  50. Opal
  51. Oreo
  52. Peaches
  53. Pippa
  54. Quanita
  55. Quinny
  56. Quote
  57. Redd
  58. Scarlett
  59. Sienna
  60. Suki
  61. Tamara 
  62. Trudy
  63. Tsarina
  64. Yoko
  65. Yolo
  66. Zadie
  67. Zuri

111 Coolest Tortoise Names

Coolest Tortoise Names

Perhaps it’s too soon to know the sex of your new pet. No worries, you’ll still need a super-suave name for your chic little critter. Here are some cool tortoise names that can apply to either sex and won’t require a re-think once the ‘gender reveal’ has taken place. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

  1. Ace
  2. Apollo
  3. Ash
  4. Astrid
  5. Astro
  6. Athena
  7. Autumn
  8. Axel
  9. Bandit
  10. Bear
  11. Blaze
  12. Boots
  13. Bruiser
  14. Calypso
  15. Captain
  16. Cerberus 
  17. Chief
  18. Cinder
  19. Clubber
  20. Coal
  21. Count
  22. Cujo
  23. Destro
  24. Dexter
  25. Diesel
  26. Dillinger
  27. Dutch
  28. Ebony
  29. Eclipse
  30. Edge
  31. Elvis
  32. Eva
  33. Forrest
  34. Frida
  35. Fury
  36. Governor
  37. Gunner
  38. Harley
  39. Hercules
  40. Iceman
  41. Indiana
  42. Ivan
  43. Ivy
  44. Jade
  45. Jasmine
  46. Jax
  47. Joker
  48. Juggernaut
  49. Kai
  50. Kang
  51. Khan
  52. Kong
  53. Kyle
  54. Lefty
  55. Leonidas
  56. Levi
  57. Maddux
  58. Magnus
  59. Mahogany
  60. Maple
  61. Mud
  62. Murdock
  63. Nemesis
  64. Onyx
  65. Orion
  66. Ozzy
  67. Parker
  68. Phoenix
  69. Piper
  70. Prince
  71. Raider
  72. Rain
  73. Ranger
  74. Riker
  75. Rock
  76. Rodney
  77. Savage
  78. Scar
  79. Scarlett
  80. Sergeant
  81. Serpico
  82. Skipper
  83. Solo
  84. Sparrow
  85. Spy
  86. Star
  87. Stinger
  88. Stomp
  89. Storm
  90. Summer
  91. Sunshine
  92. Taboo
  93. Taz
  94. Tex
  95. The Fonz
  96. Thunder
  97. Trevor
  98. Trooper
  99. Ursula
  100. Vegas
  101. Venom
  102. Vice
  103. Vicious
  104. Vixen
  105. Winston
  106. Wolfgang
  107. Wraith
  108. Wren
  109. Xena
  110. Zack
  111. Zeus

57 Funniest Tortoise Names

In some ways, tortoises are funnier than any other pets in the world. Check out these knee-slappin’ names:

  1. Artoo Tortoo
  2. Beau Dacious
  3. Biggie Shells
  4. Boris
  5. Bubbles
  6. Bulldozer
  7. Cat
  8. Chomp
  9. Corvette
  10. Crush
  11. Doc
  12. Dog
  13. Fancy
  14. Flash
  15. Fluffy
  16. Grandma
  17. Grandpa
  18. Grumpy
  19. Guiness
  20. Hashtag
  21. Helmet
  22. Jennifer Slowpeds
  23. Lindsay Slowhan
  24. Lunchbox
  25. Mack
  26. Marshmallow
  27. Mr. T
  28. Muscles
  29. Mustang
  30. Neck Sweater
  31. Pea
  32. Peek-a-Boo
  33. Pickle
  34. Plop
  35. Pokey
  36. Portis
  37. Pusher
  38. Quintin Tarantorto
  39. Racecar
  40. Rigor Tortoise
  41. Rocket
  42. Rolls
  43. Scooter
  44. Sheldon 
  45. Shelly
  46. Shelly Duvall
  47. Snappy
  48. Speedy
  49. Squirt
  50. Tater Tot
  51. The Dude
  52. Tortellini
  53. Tortilla
  54. Tortimus
  55. Tortle Combat
  56. Tortnado
  57. Tortoise McTurtleface
  58. Tort-Pac
  59. Turbo
  60. Turt Reynolds
  61. Voldetort
  62. Yertle
  63. Zippy

43 Animated Tortoise Names

Like the idea of an animated name for your chunky chelonian? Here are some of the best-animated tortoise names around:

  1. Aloysius III (Infinity Train)
  2. Archie (The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists)  
  3. Baby Shelby (Mickey Mouse Works) 
  4. Bert the Turtle (Duck and Cover) 
  5. Burt (Danger Rangers)
  6. Cecil Turtle (Looney Tunes)  
  7. Coco Jumbo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)  
  8. Crush (Finding Nemo)  
  9. Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 
  10. Filburt (Rocko’s Modern Life)
  11. Fillmore (Sherman’s Lagoon)
  12. Gallop (Babar and the Adventures of Badou)  
  13. Gramps (The Rescuers)
  14. Grand Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)  
  15. Grandpa (Wild Kratts)  
  16. Granny Pearl (Pajanimals)
  17. Hun (Turtles Forever)  
  18. Kongwe (The Lion Guard)
  19. Lenny Turteltaub (Bojack Horseman)  
  20. Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)  
  21. Lucky (Bionic Max)
  22. Madge (It’s a Big Big World)
  23. Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 
  24. Morla (The Never-ending Story)
  25. Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
  26. Shelbow (The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Beginning)  
  27. Shelly (Sesame Street)  
  28. Slash (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
  29. Speed (The Swan Princess)
  30. Super-Turtle (DC Comics)
  31. Tardy Turtle (Greg the Bunny)  
  32. Terrific Whatzit (DC Comics)
  33. The Lion Turtle (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
  34. Thelma Tortoise (Manga Aesop’s Fables)
  35. Tim Turtle (Lionel’s Kingdom)
  36. Tippi Turtle (Saturday Night Live)
  37. Toby Tortoise (The Tortoise and the Hare)
  38. Toby Turtle (Robin Hood) 
  39. Toto (Harry & Toto)
  40. Tuck (Wonder Pets) 
  41. Turner (Chucklewood Critters)
  42. Turtle (Bossy Bear)
  43. Verne (Over the Hedge)

10 Video Game Tortoise Names

Gamer tortoise names are growing in popularity, so be sure to consider some of these:

  1. Bentley (Sly Cooper)
  2. Bowser (Super Mario Bros.)
  3. Devan Shell (Jazz Jackrabbit)  
  4. Gerson (Undertale)
  5. Ghido (Final Fantasy V)  
  6. Koopa Troopa (Super Mario Bros.)
  7. Shen-zin Su (World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria)
  8. Tortimer (Animal Crossing)
  9. Valluta (RuneScape) 
  10. Warnado (Skylanders)

4 Famous Tortoise Names

Famous names provide a chance to bestow your little pet with a time-tested title. Unfortunately, there aren’t many famous (real) tortoises in the world, but there are a few options:

  1. Diego: Estimated to be up to perhaps 150 years old, Diego is a Española saddleback tortoise (Chelonoidis hoodensis), who spent more than 100 years living in zoos before being returned to the wild. The researchers who cared for him attached a GPS device to his shell, so that his movements could be tracked, and researchers could learn more about the species. 
  2. Harriet: A captivating tortoise who lived at Australia Zoo (of Irwin family fame), Harriet was collected by none other than Charles Darwin in 1835. A beloved ambassador for an estimated 175 years, Harriet passed peacefully in her enclosure in 2006
  3. Jonathan: Recognized as the oldest known land animal, Jonathan is a Seychelles giant tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea hololissa), who’s currently estimated to be 191 years old. Despite his advanced age, and the fact that he’s blind and has lost his sense of smell, Jonathan still pals around his enclosure with his companions. 
  4. George: Usually known as “Lonesome George,” this non-deceased tortoise (he passed in 2012) was the last known Pinta Island tortoise (Chelonoidis niger abingdonii) in the world. While still alive, he was characterized as the rarest creature in the world. 

Your tortoise definitely deserves a name, but that doesn’t mean you have to stress about it. 

Your tortoise will probably learn to recognize you over time, but he probably won’t understand the sounds you make. This means you can call your little creature whatever you like. You can always change it in the future.  

So, have fun picking a name for your little tortoise. And be sure to let us know what you selected in the comments! 

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