Diet & Nutrition

tortoise safe plants
Diet & Nutrition

A to Z Guide of Tortoise Safe Plants

Live plants are a vital part of any tortoise’s natural habitat. The more you can replicate that natural habitat in your own enclosures, the better your tortoise’s quality of life is likely to be! You don’t need a green thumb

Hermann's Tortoise Diet
Diet & Nutrition

Hermann’s Tortoise Diet and Feeding Guide

Tortoise husbandry is a multifaceted endeavor, which requires keepers to satisfy a range of different biological needs. For Hermann’s tortoise diet is critical, not only in terms of the foods you offer, but also the frequency and manner in which

russian tortoise diet and food list
Diet & Nutrition

Ultimate Russian Tortoise Diet and Food List

In their natural habitat Russian tortoises are opportunistic feeders, battling against rocky terrain and the harsh, arid landscapes. This feast or famine and constant foraging way of life means that in captivity, their food intake and enrichment activities must be

what can sulcata tortoises eat list
Diet & Nutrition

Sulcata Tortoise Ultimate Diet and Food List

One of the trickiest things to nail down as a new sulcata tortoise owner is what to feed them. Even the most experienced owners continue to research and fine-tune their pets’ diets for years after adopting their first tortoise! This

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