Care Guide

Pancake Tortoise Care Guide
Care Guide

Pancake Tortoise Care Guide

The Pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) is native to regions of East Africa with a terrain that is naturally rocky and arid. Their unusually flat, flexible shell and remarkable climbing prowess, allows them to navigate this difficult landscape and manoeuvre themselves […]

Indian Star Tortoise Care Guide
Care Guide

Indian Star Tortoise Care Guide

The Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a member of the Testudinidae family and is one of the smaller tortoise species, measuring around 7-12 inches in length, with adult females being larger than males.  Native to the dry areas of

burmese star tortoise care
Care Guide

Burmese Star Tortoise Care Guide 

Burmese star tortoises (Geochelone platynotan) are beautiful chelonians that are beloved by many tortoise enthusiasts. Clad in a stunningly patterned shell, these tortoises are often hardy and have endearing personalities that make them a joy to maintain.  Unfortunately, having fallen

Elongated Tortoise Care
Care Guide

Elongated Tortoise Care Guide

Also known as yellow tortoises, elongated tortoises (Indotestudo elongata) are not only interesting to look at, they also make great pets for dedicated keepers. While very rare in the wild (they’re listed as critically endangered by the IUCN Redlist of

leopard tortoise care
Care Guide

Leopard Tortoise Care Guide

The leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) is one of the largest tortoise species commonly kept as pets. Its popularity mostly comes from its ornately spotted shell—the inspiration for its feline moniker—and relaxed temperament.  Leopard tortoise care can be trickier than species

Red-Foot Tortoise Care Guide
Care Guide

Red-Foot Tortoise Care Guide

The Red-footed tortoise is known for their relatively sociable nature and striking coloration, making them a popular choice among tortoise keepers. Their scientific name ‘Chelonoidis ‘carbonarius’’ is a reference to their black skin and red patches that resemble glowing coals.

African Sulcata Tortoise Care
Care Guide

African Sulcata Tortoise Care Guide

The Sulcata (Geochelone sulcata ) is the third largest tortoise and a giant among the species. Their thick sandy-colored skin and light brown shell mean they are perfectly camouflaged for the desert conditions in which they reside.   Their broad, oval

yellow footed tortoise care
Care Guide

Yellow-Footed Tortoise Care Guide

One name comes to mind when it comes to tortoises with beauty and longevity: the Yellow-Footed Tortoise, or Chelenoidis denticulatus.  Of course, as you might expect, this species has plenty of yellow coloration, with distinct golden patterns on its shell

How to Take Care of a Tortoise
Care Guide

How to Take Care of a Tortoise: A Step by Step Guide

There are nearly 50 different tortoise species in the world, and they exhibit a range of lifestyles, morphologies, and behavioral patterns. Some make great pets for committed owners, while others are unsuitable for domestic keeping or even illegal to own. 

egyptian tortoise care
Care Guide

Egyptian Tortoise Care Guide

Celebrated for their small size, Egyptian tortoises (Testudo kleinmanni) are some of the most beloved chelonians in the world.  Unfortunately, these tortoises are in great peril. The IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species categorizes them as “critically endangered,” and according to