
Eastern Hermann’s Tortoise

Eastern Hermann’s Tortoise Facts and Stats

Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanni) are endearing animals, who’ve become quite popular with reptile keepers over the last several decades. But it is important for prospective keepers to note that there are two subspecies of the Hermann’s tortoise – the eastern […]

Hermann's Tortoise vs Russian Tortoise

Hermann’s Tortoise vs Russian Tortoise: Ultimate Best Pet Guide

While there are nearly 50 different tortoise species in the world, beginning tortoise enthusiasts often find themselves choosing from a relatively small subset of this total.  After all, some tortoises – such as Aldabra tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) – simply grow

hermann's tortoise

An Owner’s Guide to Hermann’s Tortoises

Modern tortoise keepers have access to dozens of different species, but most keepers find that only a relative handful of species make the best pets. The Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) is clearly among these, and the species’ popularity has only

tortoise species identification

18 Different Tortoise Species Identification Guide

There are nearly 50 recognized tortoises worldwide, all spread across many different habitats and geographical regions, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.  The diversity among these fascinating reptiles, including vast differences in size, dietary preferences, and life span, is

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