Blog Archive

Welcome to our blog post archive, where you will find a collection of helpful content and advice on how to care for your tortoise.

Hermann's Tortoise Diet
Diet & Nutrition

Hermann’s Tortoise Diet and Feeding Guide

Tortoise husbandry is a multifaceted endeavor, which requires keepers to satisfy a range of different biological needs. For Hermann’s tortoise diet is critical, not only in terms of the foods you offer, but also the frequency and manner in which […]

hermann's tortoise enclosure
Buying Guides

Hermann’s Tortoise Enclosure Set Up and Ideas

The Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) is a relatively small, attractive tortoise that often makes an excellent pet. But to ensure your tortoise remains healthy and enjoys a high quality of life, you’ll need to provide him with a proper enclosure. 

horsfield tortoise lifespan
Buying Guides

Understanding Horsfield Tortoise Lifespan | Tips for Longevity

Horsfield tortoises, better known as Russian tortoises, are a Mediterranean species endemic to Central Asia. They inhabit arid regions consisting of hillsides and mountainous slopes with harsh weather conditions.  It’s easy to this tortoise species by their unique olive-toned shells

sulcata tortoise pet
Buying Guides

Do Sulcata Tortoises Make Good Pets?

Sulcatas are remarkably popular tortoises, and it’s easy to see why. They’re not only attractive, affordable, and hardy, but they’re also easy to maintain in many ways.  But while these traits make them good pets for some situations, they’re not

tortoise lighting setup
Buying Guides

Step by Step Tortoise Lighting Setup for Enclosures

One of the most confusing and intimidating components of tortoise husbandry is lighting. Many new keepers don’t understand the lighting needs of their animals or how to provide the kind of lighting they need to remain healthy.  But don’t worry.

hermann's tortoise size
Buying Guides

Hermann’s Tortoise Size By Age and Growth Rate

The Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) is one of the most popular tortoise species in the world, thanks in large part to the species’ manageable size.  Unlike sulcatas (Centrochelys sulcata), leopard tortoises (Stigmochelys pardalis), or other gigantic species, which present significant

Pancake Tortoise Care Guide
Care Guide

Pancake Tortoise Care Guide

The Pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) is native to regions of East Africa with a terrain that is naturally rocky and arid. Their unusually flat, flexible shell and remarkable climbing prowess, allows them to navigate this difficult landscape and manoeuvre themselves