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Welcome to our blog post archive, where you will find a collection of helpful content and advice on how to care for your tortoise.

Tortoise Substrate Requirements

When to Replace Tortoise Substrate  

Substrate selection is a pretty important consideration for tortoise keepers. After all, your animal will spend almost all of his time walking and sleeping on it – he’ll likely even burrow down into the substrate from time to time. So, […]

UVB Light for Tortoises

UVB Light for Tortoises: Set-Up and Requirements  

Lighting is one of the most confusing aspects of tortoise husbandry for many keepers. And that’s unfortunate, as proper lighting is vital to your tortoise’s long-term health and well-being.  Historically, there weren’t many great options for providing pet tortoises with

Tortoise heat lamp set-up

Tortoise Heat Lamp Set-Up and Requirements  

One of the biggest ways that tortoises differ from dogs, cats, and other common pets relates to their metabolism. Unlike birds and mammals, tortoises are ectothermic (“cold-blooded”) animals. This means that instead of “burning” calories quickly enough to heat their

red-footed tortoise lifespan
Buying Guides

Red-Footed Tortoise Lifespan and Growth Rate

The red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius), also referred to as the cherry head tortoise is a charming species and is commonly kept as a pet. It’s native to South America and is most easily identified by the red patches along its

Hermann's Tortoise Substrate
Buying Guides

Hermann’s Tortoise Substrate Requirements

Which substrate to use in your tortoise enclosure might seem like a small decision. But remember that this material makes up a huge part of your tortoise’s relatively small world! The right substrate will ensure your Hermann’s tortoise is happy,

hermann tortoise lifespan
Buying Guides

Hermann Tortoise Lifespan and Growth Stages

No matter what tortoise species you maintain, you’re going to need to be patient. Tortoises grow very slowly.  But while this can often frustrate their keepers, it means that tortoises also live very long lives. These aren’t pets that’ll die

tortoise hibernation fridge

Tried and Tested Tortoise Hibernation Fridge Method

If you keep a tortoise from a temperate climate zone, such as a Russian (Testudo horsfieldii), Hermann’s (T. hermanni), or desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), you’ll need to provide your pet with a chance to brumate (the reptile version of hibernating). 

tortoise hibernation box

Tried and Tested Tortoise Hibernation Box Method Guide

Some tortoises live in tropical climates and are therefore capable of remaining active all year long. This includes rainforest-dwelling red-footed tortoises (Chelonoidis carbonaria) and desert-dwelling sulcatas (Centrochelys sulcata), among others.  But other tortoises live in areas with cold winter weather,

how many eggs do tortoises lay

How Many Eggs Do Tortoises Lay?

Whether born of a desire to breed tortoises for profit or out of simple curiosity, many tortoise enthusiasts wonder how many eggs tortoises can produce. It’s actually a very important subject, as tortoise clutch sizes influence things ranging from the

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